I have a search practice, so probably the politically correct answer is to say “no”.

But truthfully, depending on the client and the time I have worked with them, my gut instinct sometimes plays a role in who I recommend for interview.

Many of the talent-selection clients that I work with are clients with whom I have had a relationship with for several years. I believe I know my client well and the types of individuals who will succeed in their culture.

Certainly when I had a corporate HR role, gut instinct was sometimes a factor in determining which candidates would be receiving further consideration. I do remember one hire where I short circuited the process and the candidate we hired was a bad fit. Because the candidate had worked in the same company as a VP, we did not due extensive reference checks or a psychological assessment which were typical for that level.

But whether it is in my search practice or in my corporate HR roles, one thing I have learned is never short circuit the process regardless of what you think your gut instinct is telling you. In my search practice, it means be thorough. Be sure that you have properly researched the potential talent pool and identified a good short list of candidates for your client. Conduct the same structured interview with each and every candidate so that you are comfortable with your candidate list. Just because you think you have the ideal candidate does not mean that you do not present a short list of strong candidates to the client. In other words, gut instinct may be a factor, but do your due diligence.

Many CEO’s will often use gut instinct to make critical decisions. Steve Jobs was well known for using his gut on business decisions and product ideas. Jobs accurately predicted that the iPad would overtake the PC and in  2010 launched the iPad. It is said that Walt Disney believed in his gut that a dancing mouse could build an empire. Neither decision were likely supported by empirical data so gut instinct can still be a powerful tool in business.

All in all, yes gut instinct often plays a role, but combining it with due diligence will likely generate the best results—at least in talent selection.

Does Gut Instinct Play A Role In Talent Selection?
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